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This page helps organize sources on the Global Anabaptist Wiki. Below is a geographic and chronological listing of sources. Upload public domain sources through this site to share them with the global Anabaptist community. Click on the following link to learn how to contribute sources.
When you add content, add two category links to your content, one for the date in which the source was created and another for the country in which the source was written. To add the category link to your content, simply select the category from the category tag cloud underneath the editing panel or, if your category isn't there, type it in the provided input form. Make sure you type the category in correctly because one misspelling will create a link to nowhere. If you are more comfortable with wikicode, you can add the category manually by including this code:
[[Category:Your Category's Name]]
This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.