Category:Tanzania Stories

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wa-Chirangi, Musuto. (()) The-GoogleTranslateLinksSw Chirangi, Musuto. Kanisa la Mennonite Tanzania; The Example of our Hero in Diaspora

Anecdotal evidence suggests that quite a number of Tanzanian Mennonites (actual data unknown) reside temporarily or permanently outside Tanzania. This is a result of different push and pull factors, including economic considerations, a desire for further studies, a call to special missions, or family visits and reunification, etc. Despite some efforts once reported by one Tanzanian Mennonite, Bishop J. Nyakyema, there isn't much significant strategic undertaking that has been carried to either unite or motivate all this human capital, who we might refer to as the Tanzanian Mennonites in Diaspora (TMDs), either by themselves or by the Church (Kanisa la Mennonite Tanzania).

All in all, TMDs are potential human resources with diverse capabilities who, if organized and tapped, could make a substantial contribution to the development of the Church. In as much as our Church leadership ought to recognize and encourage their participation, the prime driving force lies first on the TMD's, themselves. They will need to emulate most, if not all, of the 10 major principles of their fellow examples in the then Diaspora, Nehemiah (s/o Hachaliah).  Nehemiah passionately felt and shared the burden of his people.  “…Why should my face not look sad when the city where my fathers are buried lies in ruins and its gates have been destroyed by fire?" he cried out. (Nehemiah 2:3) 

Below, I would like to elucidate the 10 major principles of Nehemiah's counsel to those in disaspora in our lingua franca (Swahili) so as to be understood by the majority targeted audience of this site. __________________________________________________________________________________Swahili_____________________________________________________ Mfano wa Shujaa wetu Mwana-Diaspora.

Misingi 10 Alizotumia Mwana Daspora Shujaa, Nehemia. 

Kuwa na mawasiliano endelevu na nyumbani kujua si tu habari za kifamilia lakini pia maisha ya jamii na maendeleo yao kwa ujumla. 
#Kuwa na mzigo na matatizo yaliyoko nyumbani. 
#Kumshirikisha Mola katika mipango na mafanikio yetu. 
#Kutumia fursa na rasilimali tulizo nazo kwa ajili ya maendeleo ya jamii yetu 
#Kufanya tathinini za kisayansi za matatizo / mahitaji yetu halisi na kuweka mipango kazi na mikakati. 
#Kuhamasisha wengine na kugawana majukumu ikiwezekana kwa kujali vipaji / uzoefu / uwezo wetu. 
#Kushiriana pamoja kutekeleza mipango kazi. 
#Kutokuyumbishwa wala kukatishwa tamaa na wanaotubeza na au wanaotaka kutuondoa katika maono na mwelekeo wetu wa ki-maendeleo. 
#Kuonyesha ushujaa, kujilinda na kupambana na maadui wetu wa ndani na nje. 
#Kusimamia haki, maadili na kuwajali wahitaji zaidi. 
Kanuni hizi nimezidondoa nilipomkumbuka kiongozi - shujaa mmoja katika Agano la kale, aliyeitwa Nehemia. 
TAFADHALI KAMA HUJAWAHI SOMA AU KUTAFAKARI KWA UNDANI KITABU CHA NEHEMIA WAKATI NDIO SASA! Kwa kifupi tu ili kukupa hamu ya kusoma, #Nehemia alikuwa mshika kombe (the Cup- bearer) wa Mfalme wa Uajemi. Pamoja na kuwa katika maisha mazuri huko ughaibuni na katika hiyo kazi ya watu wachache sana katika 'special branch', aliwasiliana na watu wake nyumbani, akapata habari kuwa kuta za Yerusalemu & malango yake vimebomolewa na kuchomwa moto. #Alibeba mzigo wa taabu zilizokuwa zinawakabili watu wa nyumbani Jerusalem, akahuzunika na kuomboleza sana. #Akamwomba Mola juu ya jambo hilo #Akatumia nafasi yake kumwendea Mfalme ambaye alimpa ruhusa na kumpa usalama na pia vitendea kazi vya kuanzia kazi ya ujenzi. (Sisi tunatumiaje vipawa na nafasi tulizo nazo kuendeleza jamii zetu?) #Alipofika kabla ya kuanza kazi alifanya tathmini ya kiwango cha uharibifu na kazi iliyotakiwa kufanywa na kupanga kazi. #Akahamasisha wenzake na kuwaambia kuwa tujenge pamoja, kazi iligawanywa vyema kufuata uzoefu/ uwezo. Mfano Makuhani walipewa kushughulia mlango waliouzoea na kuufahamu – mlango wa kondoo! #Watu walishirikiana, wakachapa kazi mchana na usiku #Kuliibuka akina Sanbalati, Tobia na wenzao wakawabeza na kutaka kuwaondoa kazini, lakini Nehemia alisisitiza kuwa hawezi kuacha kazi. #Maadui walipopanga njama, ulinzi mkali uliwekwa na wakapambana nao. (Ni aibu sisi leo tunakatishwa tamaa wala hatupambani na maadui wetu katika maendeleo!) #Nehemia alisimamia haki kama kuwasaidia maskini nk na pia akawawajibisha wakiukaji ili kulinda maadili yaliyokubalika. 
Hitimisho: Yawezekana tukawa na maisha bora zaidi popote tulipo nje ya mji au nchi, inatubidi kubeba mzigo na kuhuzunika na hali yoyote mbaya (kama ipo) katika jamii zetu. Mbele ya Viongozi wetu au Mashirika yenye uwezo au yeyote mwenye uwezo wa kutusaidia kutatua tatizo lililopo, tunapaswa kusema kuwa, “Tutakosaje kuwa na huzuni wakati mji/ nchi ya baba zetu na mama zetu ina hali isiyoridhisha?” 
Halafu tufanye kweli kwa tuchukuwa hatua 10 za kuleta maendeleo kama kiongozi wa mfano Nehemia alivyofanya. "... Why should my face not look sad When the city where my fathers are buried lies in ruins and Its Gates have been destroyed by fire?" He cried out explicitly. (Nehemiah 2:3) Herein, I feel to elucidate the 10 major principles in our lingua Franca (Swahili) so as to be understood by the majority of this site targeted Audience. __________________________________________________________________________________Swahili_____________________________________________________Example of Our Hero Son-Diaspora. 
Basics 10 Alizotumia Son Daspora hero, Nehemiah.

have sustained contact with the house to know not only about family but also the lives of communities and their development in general.
# A household is burdened with problems.
# associate with the Lord in our plans and achievements.
# Using tulizo them opportunities and resources for the development of our society
# Making tathinini scientific problems / needs of our actual work and putting plans and strategies.
# encourage others to share responsibilities with regard to possible skills / experience / our ability.
# Kushiriana work together to implement plans.
# Kutokuyumbishwa not discouraged by those who are or want tubeza and kutuondoa in vision and our direction to-development. < Br> # show courage, to defend and fight against our enemies inside and outside.
# Managing justice, ethics and care for the most needy.
these principles I have zidondoa pomkumbuka leader - a hero in the Old Testament, who called Nehemiah. < Br> PLEASE AS HUJAWAHI Browse or meditation Detailed Book Nehemiah WHEN YES NOW! In short, just to give you the desire to read, # Nehemiah was seized Cup (the Cup-bearer) of the King of Persia. Despite being in the good life in ughaibuni and in the work of very few people in the 'Special Branch', he contacted his house, he heard that the walls of Jerusalem & the gates of vimebomolewa and burned. # Alibeba load of trouble were zinawakabili the house Jerusalem, and grieve and mourn too. # Akamwomba Lord about this # Akatumia place to go to the King who gave him permission to give security and tools are from construction work. (We tumiaje talent and opportunity tulizo have to develop our society?) # when he came before you start work He made an assessment of the level of damage and work iliyotakiwa made and planning work. # Akahamasisha colleagues and tell them that we build together, the work was divided well to follow the experience / ability. Example priests were given kushughulia door who used to and understand - the door of the sheep! # people relaxed and print work Day and Night # Kuliibuka women Sanbalati, Tobijah and others were wabeza and want to keep the job, but Nehemiah had insisted that he can not stop working. # Enemies were set conspiracy, defense sharp was made and they fight them. (It's a shame we are today we are disappointed we have not pambani enemies our development!) # just as Nehemiah did manage to help the poor, etc., and also said to protect the perpetrators wawajibisha yaliyokubalika values.
Conclusion: may become a better and where we are out of town or country, we have to bear the burden and grief and no worse (if any) in our communities. Before Our leaders or organizations with the ability or if anyone is able to help us solve the problem, we should say that, "Tutakosaje be sad when the city / country of our fathers and mothers of our has isiyoridhisha situation? "Then we really
tuchukuwa 10 stages of development as a leader like Nehemiah did.

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