Deletion log
From Anabaptistwiki
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 16:52, 24 July 2021 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Byler, Dionisio. Entre Josué y Jesús: El sentido de la historia del Antiguo Testamento (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aquí:<u> '''[ Byler, Dionisio. Entre Josué y Jesús: El sentido de la historia del Antiguo Testamento]'''</u>==== ;Sinopsis: ¿Cómo es que Jesús, sabiéndose «rey de los judíos» y conociendo la historia y los antecedentes de su nación, haya resultado tan distinto en su manera de ser y actuar, a personajes insignes como Josué, David o Salomón? ¿Cómo leyó y entendió Jesús la historia...")
- 15:28, 24 July 2021 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Byler, Dionisio, "No Violencia y Genocidios." 2014. (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aquí: <u>'''[ Byler, Dennis. No Violencia y Genocidios]'''</u>==== link=|right|200px ---- ==== Contenido ==== :Prólogo ;I. Jesús y la no violencia. El ejemplo del Cordero ;II. Los genocid...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 15:09, 24 July 2021 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Byler, Dennis. Toda Obra Escrita es Útil (content was: "link=|right|200px ====Texto completo disponible aquí: <u>'''[ Byler, Dennis. Toda Obra Escrita es Útil. Conferencias y sermones en Árgentina, 2016]'''</u>==== ;Sinopsis: Según el autor, el mundo evoluciona siempre hacia posiciones y costumbres nuevas, formas novedosas de entender la vida. Esta evolución nos aparta paulatiname...")
- 01:23, 13 July 2021 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Mennonite Church Canada y Mennonite Church USA. "Una visión compartida del liderazgo ministerial: Manual de política para la Iglesia Menonita de Canadá y la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU." 2017 (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ Mennonite Church Canada y Mennonite Church USA. ''Una visión compartida del liderazgo ministerial: Manual de política para la Iglesia Menonita de Canadá y la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.'']'''</u>==== ---- File:Unavisincomparti00menn.jpg|link=", and the only contributor was "ISGAadmin" (talk))
- 01:02, 8 July 2021 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Category:John A. Lapp (content was: "center|300px|link=Biblioteca Digital Anabautista <center>'''Regresar a la Biblioteca Digital Anabautista.'''</center> ---- Esta categoria contiene obras escritas por John A. Lapp. Category:Autores/Autoras", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 01:02, 8 July 2021 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Category:J. Delbert Erb (content was: "center|300px|link=Biblioteca Digital Anabautista <center>'''Regresar a la Biblioteca Digital Anabautista.'''</center> ---- Esta categoria contiene obras escritas por J. Delbert Erb. Category:Autores/Autoras", and the only contributor was "ISGAadmin" (talk))
- 01:00, 8 July 2021 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Category:Graciela Ramirez de Darino (content was: "center|300px|link=Biblioteca Digital Anabautista <center>'''Regresar a la Biblioteca Digital Anabautista.'''</center> ---- Esta categoria contiene obras escritas por Graciela Ramirez de Darino. Category:Autores/Autoras", and the only contributor was "ISGAadmin" (talk))
- 00:59, 8 July 2021 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Category:Marta Quiroga (content was: "center|300px|link=Biblioteca Digital Anabautista <center>'''Regresar a la Biblioteca Digital Anabautista.'''</center> ---- Esta categoria contiene obras escritas por Marta Quiroga. Category:Autores/Autoras", and the only contributor was "ISGAadmin" (talk))
- 21:19, 16 January 2021 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (MTAL). "Devocionales 2021." 2021. (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ Movimiento de Mu...", and the only contributor was "ISGAadmin" (talk))
- 16:35, 9 June 2020 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Iglesia Menonita en Cuba (content was: "{{GoogleTranslateLinksEs}} {{stub/es}} {{infobox |Box title = Iglesia Menonita en Cuba |image = Image:Image URL Here |imagewidth = 300 |Row 1 title = Congregaciones |Row 1 info = 3 |Row 2 title = Número de Miembros |Row...")
- 18:35, 28 May 2020 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page File:-Memoria Viva- front cover.pdf
- 19:20, 10 February 2020 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Loewen, Royden and Steven M. Nolt. "En Busca de Refugios de Paz." 2018. (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ Royden Loewen and Steven M. Nolt...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 19:01, 10 February 2020 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Snyder, C. Arnold and John A. Lapp. "La Fe y la Tradición Puestas a Prueba." 2018. (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ Ed. por C. Arnold Snyder and John A....", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 18:49, 10 February 2020 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Snyder, C. Arnold and John A. Lapp. "Iglesias en Diálogo con Tradiciones Asiáticas." 2018. (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ Ed. por C. Arnold Snyder and John A. La...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 17:29, 10 February 2020 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Prieto Valladares, Jaime. "Misión y Migración." 2018. (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ Jaime Prieto. ''Misión y Migr...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 16:25, 10 February 2020 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Lapp, John A. and C. Arnold Snyder, eds. "Canciones Anabautistas Anidan en los Corazones Africanos." 2018. (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ Ed. por John A. Lapp and C. Arnold Sn...", and the only contributor was "ISGAadmin" (talk))
- 16:17, 10 February 2020 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Snyder, C. Arnold and John A. Lapp. "Canciones Anabautistas Anidan en Corazones Africanos." 2018. (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ Ed. por C. Arnold Snyder and John A....", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 16:50, 3 February 2020 ISGAadmin talk contribs deleted page Schipani, Daniel. "Camino de Sabiduría Consejería Cuidado Psico-espiritual." 2019 (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui (edición revisada 2020): <u>'''[ Daniel Schipani. ''Camino de Sabiduría Consejería Cuidado Psico-espiritual'']'''</u>==== ====Texto compl...")
- 17:21, 25 October 2019 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective (Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Church Canada, 1995) (content was: "==Introduction== Statements of what Mennonites believe have been among us from earliest beginnings. A group of Anabaptists, forerun...", and the only contributor was "Hannahec" (talk))
- 14:09, 11 October 2019 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Driver, John. Vivre ensemble, unis dans l'Esprit: Une spiritualité radicale pour le 21e siècle (content was: "'''[ ''Vivre ensemble, unis dans l'Espr...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 15:04, 7 October 2019 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Driver, John. "Test Page." 2019 (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ John Driver. ''Test Page'']'''</u>==== -...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 21:29, 12 June 2019 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Enséñanos tus caminos (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ Enséñanos tus caminos'']'''</u>==== --...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 16:54, 18 March 2019 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Suárez, José Luis. La madurez cristiana en un mundo cambiante (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aquí: <u>'''[ Suárez, José Luis. La madurez cristiana en un mundo cambiante]'''</u>==== ---- Un libro como éste solamente se puede escribir como en efec...")
- 20:17, 4 March 2019 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page "Constitución de la Iglesia Evangélica Menonita de Colombia." 1968. (content was: "Texto completo disponible aqui: '''[ ''Constitución de la Iglesia Evangélica Men...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 18:52, 11 February 2019 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Category:Kanagy, Cornad (content was: "center|300px|link=Biblioteca Digital Anabautista <center>'''Biblioteca Digital Anabautista|Regresar a la Bibl...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 18:22, 25 January 2019 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Test page (content was: "blah balh Category:Wiens, Victor", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 21:48, 2 January 2019 MennoNet talk contribs deleted page File:Rose2.jpg
- 21:46, 2 January 2019 MennoNet talk contribs deleted page File:Rose.jpg (Duplicated file)
- 18:49, 3 December 2018 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Dyck, Cornelius J. "Introducción a la Historia Menonita: Una Historia Popular de los Anabautistas y los Menonitas." 1996. (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ Cornelius J. Dyck. ''Introducción a la...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 18:21, 3 December 2018 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Bartel, Barry. "Dialoguemos: Técnicas de Comunicación y Transformación de Conflictos." 2006. (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ Barry Bartel. ''Dialoguemos: Técnicas d...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 18:45, 18 August 2018 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page File:MissioDei10.S.pdf
- 17:20, 6 August 2018 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Becker, Palmer, "Qué es un Cristiano Anabautista?" 2008. (content was: "====Texto completo disponible aqui: <u>'''[ Palmer Becker. ''Qué es un Cr...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 18:33, 8 June 2018 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Driver, John. "Cómo los Cristianos Hicieron Paz con la Guerra." 1993. (content was: "Texto completo disponible aqui: '''[ John Driver. ''Cómo los Cristianos Hicieron...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 18:52, 13 April 2018 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Driver, Juan. "Espiritualidad Cristiana Conclusión." (content was: "{{SourceTemplateEs |Citación= Driver, Juan. "Espiritualidad Cristiana Conclusión." |Sinopsis= |Enlace=[ Espiritualidad Cristiana Conc...")
- 18:51, 13 April 2018 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Driver, Juan. "Espiritualidad Anabautista del Siglo XVI." (content was: " Texto completo disponible aqui: '''[ John Driver. Espiritualidad Anabautista del Siglo XVI]''' Category:Artículos (en español) Category:Driver, John")
- 21:10, 10 April 2018 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Driver, John. "Life Together in the Spirit." 2015 (content was: "'''[ ''Life Together in the Spirit: A Radical Spirit...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 17:23, 4 December 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Let Cusco Hotels Enchant Yourself (content was: "The city of Cusco, situated in the region of Cusco in southeastern Peru, can be a significant historic and visitor d...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 17:23, 4 December 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Let Hotels Enchant Yourself (content was: "The town of Cusco, situated in Cusco's location in southeastern Peru, is definitely visitor spot and an important historic...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 17:19, 4 December 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Leadership Development Review: Everyone Demands that is Five Issues Practically (content before blanking was: "I am wondering you observed this article about Management Team Growth when you visited certainly one of our information sessions or from somebody, maybe a pal or relative who reached you to look at the organization being...")
- 18:15, 27 November 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Getting an Effective Listener in Customer Support - Part Two (content was: "Hello, you're back for stage number two in-Effective Listening Skills for Customer Support Specialists!Good!inste...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 18:15, 27 November 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page The Most Effective Ways to Understand a New Language (content before blanking was: "Understanding a programming language that is fresh can be very an expertise that is complex -centered activity that takes decades to perfect. The correct goal setting techniques process could work miracles in case your pl...")
- 03:16, 5 November 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Operating there is a Truck a Lot A Lot More Than Retaining the Steering - Here is the Evidence (content was: "It is extremely amusing to find out that people believe the work of a truck driver is only controlling the steering...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 03:14, 5 November 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Pretty Valentine Garments-Howto Pick The Best Date Ensemble For Valentines Day (content was: "Your dreams' guy expected you out for a date.What are you currently planning to wear?You want to impress him. To det...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 03:14, 5 November 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page While Providing Cologne As Items (content was: "There is to offer long lasting celebration, be it Valentine's a birthday, Christmas or wedding, a well liked surp...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 03:13, 5 November 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Perfume Around the World: While Touring, Which Scents In The Event You Wear? (content was: "You wish to be prepared if you should be organizing a global vacation. This doesn't only suggest packing the right g...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 03:13, 5 November 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page How-To Turn Into A Perfumist And How To Have Scent Or Perfume Samples (content was: "How do people become perfumist?1) you will find several stages to be always a perfumist.<br><br> In first period,...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 03:12, 5 November 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Theatre Makeup For Your Phase Fun (content was: "While phase or theater makeup works wonders. It is possible to become a nice princess or possibly a gruesome ghoul o...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 03:12, 5 November 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Dry Containers and Dry Cabinets - Guard Your Items! (content was: "With a great number of intriguing and new technologies on the rise, it really is occasionally difficult to steadfast...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 18:36, 31 October 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Heggen, Carolyn Holderread. "Cuidándonos Entre Mujeres: Preparándonos para un ministerio de compasión: Edición internacional." (content was: "Texto completo disponible aqui: '''[ Carolyn Holderread Heggen...", and the only contributor was "Grantsm" (talk))
- 18:31, 31 October 2017 Grantsm talk contribs deleted page Moya, César. Mujeres y Obispado: a propósito de 1 Timoteo. (content was: "{{GoogleTranslateLinksEs}} {{SourceTemplateEs |Citación = Moya, César. Mujeres y Obispado: a propósito de 1 Timoteo. Quito, Ecuador: CLAI, 2008. |Sinopsis = Cuando revisamos la 1 carta a Timoteo nos encontramos con unas prescripciones...")