Free Mennonites
Established for the 500th Anniversary of Swiss Anabaptism on January 21, 2025, Free Mennonites are the newest Mennonite Movement in Perth East, Ontario, an area which has been home to Anabaptists for over 200 years.
Unlike other Mennonite groups, Free Mennonites avoid all Artificial Intelligence (AI) based computer technologies. The primary purpose for this is their opposition to transhumanist philosophy, and its usage of AI to realize the union of humanity with what is referred to as the "singularity", including the implant of neural links with the human brain.
As a practical example, cars are acceptable, but not with AI powered computer screens on the dashboard. Home phones are acceptable, but not any types of AI empowered devices, especially those which may be worn, like AI glasses.
The position of the Free Mennonites then is philosophically based on the avoidance of emergent AI technologies, while maintaining the choice to utilize any other means of technology or lifestyle that is not opposed to this basic philosophy.