Daniel Epp-Tiessen

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Dan Epp-Tiessen

Dan Epp-Tiessen is retired from teaching Bible at Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg, where he served for twenty-five years. Dan’s speciality is Old Testament, but he also enjoyed teaching the occasional New Testament course and courses spanning the entire Bible. He gets equally excited about the Old Testament prophets’ passion for social justice as he does about the priestly commitment to holiness, purity, and proper worship. Two of Dan’s special interests are how the Bible can speak to ecological issues and inspire our care for God’s creation, and how biblical apocalyptic literature can inform a socially-engaged faith versus an escapist faith.

Dan is a bridge-builder committed to making the insights of biblical scholarship available to students in an academic setting as well as to lay people in congregations. In retirement Dan continues to write, preach, lead Bible studies, and teach short courses and adult Sunday school classes.

May is Dan's favorite month of the year because two of his favorite hobbies kick into high gear: gardening and watching birds during spring migration. Other interests include running, biking, walking, camping, canoeing, reading, and, of course, family.

Dan and his wife Esther have two sons: Mark who is married to Melissa, and Chris who is engaged to Janelle. Being grandparents to Hannah and Leah is one of the greatest joys of their life. Esther and Dan are active members of Home Street Mennonite Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba.