Fraternidad de Iglesias Evangélicas Menonitas de Nicaragua

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Fraternidad de Iglesias Evangélicas Menonitas de Nicaragua





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Apartado 3163, Managua, NICARAGUA.


(505) 266-30-78



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La Fraternidad de Iglesias Evangélica Menonitas de Nicaragua tiene alrededor de 2.300 miembros en 32 congregaciones. Es miembra del Congreso Mundial Menonita.


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In 1966, Alfred and Doris Friesen arrive in the Francisco Morazan neighborhood in Managua. They are the first missionaries from the Canadian Evangelical Mennonite Church in Manitoba, Canada.

In these first few years of missionary presence in the city, efforts were concentrated on literacy, interaction with the community, and Bible distribution. They went from house to house in the community, guided by Guillermo Castillo, a Nicaraguan sympathetic to their cause.

The missionary group met a family from the Baptist Mission, who let them hold church services in their worship space. In the early days of church services, the following Nicaraguan people participated: The Argueda family, Reyes Arguello, Santiago Reyes, Bayardo Ruiz, Carmen Plata, Isabel Velasquez, Dominga Reyes, and others.

Having gathered a sufficiently large group of people, they decided to continue holding services in the house of Juan and Argentina Reyes. Eventually, due to the increase in church attendance, the house and patio of the Reyes family were no longer large enough to hold services. The church members donated on a voluntary basis in order to raise money for the construction of a new church building. Various women in the church also made and sold sewing projects in order to contribute to the collection. By 1969, enough money had been collected to buy a piece of land and construct a church building.

In March of 1970, the the first service was held in the new space-- the first official building of the Nicaraguan church. In the same service, the first Nicaraguan Brothers were baptized: Cesar Arguello, Carmen Miranda, and Francisca Rivas. Today, this building serves as the Sunday School Office, the kitchen, and the Classroom for Intermediate students.

In the same year, a new church plant in La Paz de Carazo began with the arrival of Lester and Darlene Olfert. The church in La Paz grew quickly, and the Olferts were very active in starting numerous other church plants in surrounding towns.

In 1973, the Fraternity of Evangelical Mennonite churches of Nicaragua officially organized in collaboration with Nicaraguan and EMC leaders of the various congregations. The official aims of the were church established as follows: Preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Promote and maintain fraternal unity among the churches of Jesus Christ. Cultivate the spiritual and physical health of people. Cooperate with other Christian groups in Nicaragua to promote the Gospel and the well being of the society.

In 1974, legal status of the church was officially confirmed and recognized by the government.


Los Misioneros menonitas que llegaron en 1966 trabajaron en distribución de literatura cristiana, visitas a hogares, y estudios bíblicos. Como resultado de esto, la Fraternidad de Iglesias Evangélica Menonitas de Nicaragua fue formad en 1970 por misioneros de la conferencia Evangélica Menonita de Canadá. Fue incorporada legalmente tres años después. [1]

Vida Contemporánea

Ahora es una iglesia autónoma que se enfoca en áreas de desarrollo comunitario, capacitación de líders, y educación cristiana.[2]

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  1. Donald B. Kraybill, Concise Encyclopedia of Amish, Brethren, Hutterites, and Mennonites (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010), 231.
  2. Global Gift Sharing Report (MWC, 2005), 107-108.