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From Anabaptistwiki
- "And No One Shall Make Them Afraid" (Zephaniah 3:12-13): a Mennonite Statement on Violence (Mennonite Church, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1997)
- "Bearing Witness: Martyrdom and Costly Discipleship in the Anabaptist-Mennonite Tradition"
- "Called together to be peacemakers: Report of the international dialogue between the Catholic Church and Mennonite World Conference 1998-2003." MWC. 2003.
- "Confesión de fe en perspectiva menonita." Iglesias menonitas de USA y Canadá, 1995
- "Construyendo la Paz desde la Transformación Comunitaria." Justapaz. 2008.
- "Convicciones compartidas." Congreso Mundial Menonita. 2006.
- "Couples commit to Christ, one another"
- "Ecuador Partnership creates place of peace for refugees"
- "Entrevista con Cesar Moya"
- "Faith once separated, now joins pastoral couple"
- "Gifts balloon through children's mission efforts"
- "Head" (in Ephesians)
- "In Christ" (in Colossians and Philemon)
- "La Consociedad de Ecuador crea un lugar de paz para los refugiados"
- "Llamados a trabajar juntos por la paz: informe del diálogo internacional entre la Iglesia Católica y el Congreso Mundial Menonita 1998-2003." Congreso Mundial Menonita. 2003.
- "Ministries come of age in Ecuador"
- "Parejas se comprometen con Cristo y con el uno al otro"
- "Parejas se comprometen con Cristo y con el uno al otro"/es
- "Una fe que había sido separada, ahora une a una familia pastoral"
- 1, 2, 3, John
- 1, 2, 3 John
- 100 Ans de Mission Mennonite en République Démocratique du Congo: Témoignages des Apports Locaux 1912-2012
- 1970s church planting builds flourishing congregations today
- 1 & 2 Chronicles
- 1 & 2 Corinthians
- 1 & 2 Kings
- 1 & 2 Peter
- 1 & 2 Samuel
- 1 & 2 Thessalonians
- 1 & 2 Timothy
- 1 Corinthians
- 1 Peter
- 2 Corinthians
- 2 Peter
- A
- AIMM S1 D8 Board trip reports
- AIMM S1 LG Box-25 CIM Board Minutes 1959-1974
- AIMM S1 LG Box-38 CIM Board Minutes 1927-1959
- AVances Boletin Informativo, Marzo-Abril 2011
- AVances Boletin Informativo, Mayo-Junio 2011
- A Call for a Peacemaking Task Force (Mennonite Church, 1993)
- A Call to Affirmation, Confession, and Covenant Regarding Human Sexuality (Mennonite Church, 1987)
- A Call to Kingdom Commitments (General Conference Mennonite Church, 1986)
- A Christian Declaration on Amnesty (Mennonite Central Committee, 1973)
- A Christian Declaration on Capital Punishment (General Conference Mennonite Church, 1965)
- A Christian Declaration on Communism and Anti-Communism (General Conference Mennonite Church, 1962)
- A Christian Declaration on Peace, War, and Military Service (General Conference Mennonite Church, 1953)
- A Christian Declaration on the Authority of the Scriptures (General Conference Mennonite Church, 1962)
- A Church of Many Peoples Confronts Racism (General Conference Mennonite Church, Mennonite Church, 1989)
- A Commitment to Christ's Way of Peace (Mennonite Central Committee, 1993)
- A Day in the Life of the Global Anabaptist Church
- A Hutterite Book of Medieval Origin (Robert Friedmann, 1956)
- A Mennonite Identity in the Twenty First Century, Jonas H Yoder, April 1999 (United States)
- A Mennonite by Providence, Amos M Kratzer, April 1999 (United States)
- A Resolution: The Death Penalty (Mennonite Church USA, 2001)
- A Resolution against Interpersonal Abuse (General Conference Mennonite Church, 1992)
- A Resolution on Faithful Action Toward Tax Withholding (General Conference Mennonite Church, 1983)
- A Resolution on Following Christ and Growing Together as Communities Even in Conflict (Mennonite Church USA, 2009)
- A Resolution on Health Care (General Conference Mennonite Church U.S. Assembly, 1992)
- A Resolution on Male Violence Against Women (Mennonite Church, 1993)
- A Resolution to Laugh with Abraham and Sarah (General Conference Mennonite Church, 1992)
- A Short Confession of Faith by Hans de Ries (1618)
- A Statement of Direction to Guide Congregations and Regional Conferences in Understanding Ordination (General Conference Mennonite Church, 1974)
- A Statement of Our Position on Peace, War and Military Service (Mennonite Church, 1937)
- A Statement of the Christian Doctrines of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite (1925)
- A Statement of the Position of the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America on * Peace, War, Military Service, and Patriotism (General Conference Mennonite Church, 1941)
- A Tale Of Two Cities
- A Theology of Suffering (in 1 Peter)
- A Thoughtful Existence, Pete A Byler, April 1999 (United States)
- Abbreviations
- Abortion (Mennonite Church, 1975)
- Acts
- Adi Walujo
- Affirming Our Faith in Word and Deed (Mennonite Church, 1979)
- Affirming Peacemaking as it Relates to the Peace Tax (U.S.)/Peace Trust (Canada) (General Conference Mennonite Church, 1995)
- Africa
- African Faith Tabernacle Church
- African Initiated (Independent) Churches
- Afterword: Continuity and Change in Anabaptist-Mennonite Biblical Interpretation
- Agreeing and Disagreeing in Love -- Commitments for Mennonites in Times of Disagreement (General Conference Mennonite Church, Mennonite Church, 1995)
- Albrecht, Elizabeth Soto. "Hacia una Teologia de la No Violencia desde el Testimonio de Jesús: Enfrentando la Violencia Familiar desde la No Violencia de Jesús." 2009.
- Alexander Heinrich Ediger
- Alexander Neufeld
- Alfert, Lucio. The Mennonite Presence in the Chaco From a Catholic Perspective
- Alianza Evangélica Menonita
- Aliança Evangélica Menonita, Brazil
- Allen R. Guenther
- Altkolonier Mennonitengemeinde, Mexico
- American Mennonites and the Bible
- American Mennonites and the Bible, by C. Norman Kraus
- Amish Mennonites in Ontario
- Amnesty (Mennonite Church, 1975)
- Amos
- An Ancient Version of Obbe Phillips' "Confession" (Leonard Verduin, 1947)
- Anabaptism Sunday School Curriculum for Youth
- Anabaptist Approaches to Scripture
- Anabaptist Association of Australia and New Zealand
- Anabaptist Dictionary of the Bible
- Anabaptist Family
- Anabaptist Family/es
- Anabaptist Hermeneutics: Presuppositions, Principles and Practice
- Anabaptist Hermeneutics: The Letter and the Spirit
- Anabaptist Interpretation of Revelation (in Revelation)
- Anabaptist Martyrdom
- Anabautistas, Menonitas y Hermanos en Cristo de España
- Anchor of Hope Anabaptist Fellowship
- Andreas Wurtz
- Anger of the Lord (in Joshua)
- Anger of the Lord in Joshua
- Angola
- Anneken de Jans. Carta a su hijo Isaias
- Annotated Bibliography on Mennonite Colonies in Paraguay
- Annotated Bibliography on Mennonite Interactions with Indigenous People in Paraguay
- Annotated Bibliography on Mennonites and Politics in Paraguay
- Anonymous
- Anti-Semitism
- Anti-Semitism (in Matthew)
- Anti-Semitism in Matthew
- Apocalyptic (in 1 & 2 Thessalonians)
- Apocalyptic Literature (in Revelation)
- Apostolic Anabaptist Network
- Approaches to the Book of Ecclesiastes
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Gemeinden
- Argentina
- Arias, Mortimer and Eunice Arias. "El Último Mandato: La Gran Comisión, Relectura desde América Latina." 2003.
- Arnoldi, Katherine. "Humbly Walking the Road with God- Ernesto Unruh: Enlhet leader; pastor, counselor, world traveler, writer and scholar." 2009.
- Aron Peter Toews
- Article Template/es
- Artwel Mabhena
- Artículos de fe y doctrina de los Hermanos en Cristo
- Artículos en la Revista de Interpretación Bíblica Latinoamericana (RIBLA)
- Asia and Pacific
- Asociacion Koinonia de Iglesias
- Asociación Religiosa Igelsia Evangélica Hermanos en Cristo de México
- Asociación de Menonitas y Hermanos en Cristo de España
- Assemblée de la Grâce, Haiti
- Associação Evangélica Menonita, Brazil
- Associação das Igrejas Menonitas do Brasil
- August H. Konkel
- Ausbildungs- und Tagungszentrum Bienenberg
- Australia
- Austria
- B
- Baecher, Claude, Harold S. Bender, René Eyer, José Gallardo, Paul Hege, Michel Klopfenstein, Jean-Luc Leibe, Charles-Daniel Maire, Willy Peterschmitt, Guido Rychen. Chrétien et service : la diaconie (no. 1). 1994
- Baecher, Claude. Et tes filles prophétiseront : petit dossier relatif aux ministères des femmes dans l'église locale. 1992
- Baker, Marcos. Gálatas : introducción y comentario. 2014
- Baker, Marcos. ¡Basta de Religión!: Cómo construir comunidades de gracia y libertad. 2009
- Baker, Marcos. ¿Dios de ira o Dios de amor?: Cómo superar la inseguridad y ser libres para servir. 2007
- Baker, Mark. Saving Significance of Cross in a Honduran Barrio
- Baker, Mark. Two Foundational Stories of the Cross-How They Affect Evangelism
- Baptism by Immersion as a Requirement for Ordination to Pastoral Leadership (Mennonite Brethren Church, 1987)
- Bartel, Barry. "Dialoguemos: Técnicas de Comunicación y Transformación de Conflictos." 2006
- Barwick, Marc, Jacques Jaloux et Pierre Widmer. Le pasteur : artisan de réconciliation. 1986
- Baumann, Paul, Christiane Widmer-Gaudry et Pierre Widmer. Le chrétien face aux crises de la vie (t. 1). 1985
- Baumann, Paul. Vie et structures de l'Église de Jésus-Christ. 1991
- Beachy Amish
- Beachy Amish Mennonite Fellowships, Belize
- Beachy Amish Mennonite Fellowships, Costa Rica
- Beachy Amish Mennonite Fellowships, Nicaragua
- Beachy Amish Mennonite Fellowships (Ireland)
- Bearing One's Cross (in Mark)
- Bearing One’s Cross
- Bearing Witness
- Becker, Palmer, "¿Qué es un Cristiano Anabautista?" 2008.
- Becker, Palmer. "Empezar de Nuevo: Cursillos de discipulado cristiano." 2014
- Being an Anabaptist Mennonite, Ty L Stuckey, April 1999 (United States)
- Belgium
- Belize
- Belize Evangelical Mennonite Church
- Belonging before believing
- Bender, Harold. With the Mennonite refugee colonies in Brazil and Paraguay
- Bender, Harold S. "Este es Mi Pueblo: La Naturaleza de la Iglesia y su Discipulado de Acuerdo al Nuevo Testamento." 1962.
- Bender, Harold S. "La Visión Anabautista." 1994.
- Bender, Ross Thomas. "Cristianos en Familias: Genesis y Exodo." 1982.
- Benin
- Benjamin Hershey
- Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship, Goshen, IN, USA
- Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship (Goshen, Ind.)
- Berkhof, Luis. Teología Sistemática
- Bernhard Bergen
- Bertsche, Jim. Some Key Decisions of the Past
- Beth Miller, Rachel. "Shadow People." 2001.
- Beth Miller, Rachel. "Tortillas and Taxis: separated by geography, lifestyles and languages , Mexicans seek unity." 2002.
- Bethel College
- Beyond the Historical-Critical Method
- Bharatiya General Conference Mennonite Kalisiya, India
- Bharatiya Jukta Christa Prachar Mandali, India
- Bharatiya Mennonite Church in India ki Pratinidhi Sabha
- Biblical Interpretation In The Life of the Church (Mennonite Church, 1977)
- Biblical Mennonite Alliance
- Biblical Understandings Concerning Women and Men (Mennonite Church, 1975)
- Bibliography of Literature
- Biblioteca Digital Anabatista
- Biblioteca Digital Anabautista
- Bibliotheque numerique anabaptiste
- Bishop Benjamin Eby
- Black Kettle, Cheyenne peace chief
- Blandenier, Jacques, Gilbert Klopfenstein, Pierre Lugbull, Marie-Paule Sommer. Évangile et pauvreté. 1997
- Block, Heather. "Entendiendo el abuso sexual por parte de un líder de la iglesia o cuidador." 2016
- Bodies (in 1 Corinthians)
- Boletin 11 de octubre, 2009
- Boletin 12 de septiembre, 2010
- Boletin 16 de mayo, 2010
- Boletin 18 de julio, 2010
- Boletin 20 de diciembre, 2009
- Boletin 20 de junio, 2010
- Boletin 22 de agosto, 2010
- Boletin 22 de noviembre, 2009
- Boletin 23 de mayo, 2010
- Boletin 24 de enero, 2010
- Boletin 25 de abril, 2010
- Boletin 25 de julio, 2010
- Boletin 27 de diciembre, 2009
- Boletin 29 de agosto, 2010
- Boletin 2 de mayo, 2010
- Boletin 30 de agosto, 2009
- Boletin 4 de julio, 2010
- Boletin 4 de octubre, 2009
- Boletin 5 de septiembre 2010
- Boletin 9 de mayo, 2010
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, 15 de febrero 2009
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, 15 de febrero 2010
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, 15 de julio 2009
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, 16 de abril 2009
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, 17 de mayo 2009
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, 20 de marzo 2009
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, agosto 2009
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, enero 2008
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, enero 2010
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, febrero 2009
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, junio 2009
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, marzo 2010
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, noviembre 2009
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, octubre 2009
- Boletin de Noticias AMLAC, septiembre 2009
- Boletines AMLAC (Agrupación Menonita Latinoamericana de Comunicaciones)
- Bolivia
- Bolivian day care inaugurates new building
- Bondeko Mennonite Church, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
- Bontrager, Marion G., Michele Hershberger, and John E. Sharp. "La Biblia Como Narrativa." 2019.
- Born, J. Bryan. A Personal Look at African Spiritual Churches-Reflections, Challenges, Hopes
- Bornman, Carol. A Meeting of Worlds in Senegal
- Botswana
- Brazil
- Brethren in Christ
- Brethren in Christ Church, Botswana
- Brethren in Christ Church, Botswana/fr
- Brethren in Christ Church, South Africa
- Brethren in Christ Church Orissa, Inida
- Brethren in Christ Church Society-Bharatiya Khristiya Mandali, India
- Breve historia de los Hermanos Menonitas en Colombia
- Broken promise offers new life, a new church
- Brubacher, Ray. The Globalization of Theological Education and of Christian Mission
- Bruderhof Communities Church International, Inc.
- Brun, Tony. "Cartillas de Reflexión para la Paz." 1991.
- Brun, Tony. "Iglesia: espacio de comunión, fraternidad y diálogo para tiempos polarizados." 2009.
- Brun, Tony. "Ir más allá." 2003.
- Brun, Tony. Siendo Anabautista y contemporáneo: contribuciones para una comunidad local con conciencia universal. 2007
- Brussels Mennonite Centre
- Burkina Faso
- Byler, Dionisio." Origen de los menonitas: Los anabaptistas no violentos del siglo XVI." 1994.
- Byler, Dionisio. "Breve resumen de los orígenes e historia del movimiento anabaptista o menonita." 2009.
- Byler, Dionisio. "Dossier sobre el ministerio pastoral en iglesias menonitas." 2009.
- Byler, Dionisio. "El Diablo y los Demonios según la Biblia." 2014.
- Byler, Dionisio. "Entre Josué y Jesús: El sentido de la historia del Antiguo Testamento." 2015
- Byler, Dionisio. "Hablar sobre Dios desde la Biblia." 2014
- Byler, Dionisio. "John H. Yoder y su Jesús y la Realidad Política: reflexiones 30 años después." 2004.
- Byler, Dionisio. "La espiritualidad de la guerra y la violencia." 2001.
- Byler, Dionisio. "Los cristianos ante la política." 2001.
- Byler, Dionisio. "No Violencia y Genocidios." 2014.
- Byler, Dionisio. "Toda obra escrita es útil. Conferencias y sermones en Argentina." 2016
- Byler, Dionisio. "Ánimo: Dios No Nos Olvida." 2014.
- Byler, Dionisio. Identidad Cristiana (en la corriente anabaptista/menonita). 2009.
- Byler, Dionisio. La autoridad de la Palabra en la Iglesia
- Byler, Dionisio. Todo lo que te preguntabas sobre la Biblia (Y algunas cosas que preferirías no saber). 2010.
- Byler, Dionisio. ed. "Schleitheim (1527) y Dordrecht (1632): Antiguas confesiones de fe menonitas." 1995.
- Byler, Dionisio. ¡Ánimo! Dios no nos olvida. 2009.
- C
- CONEMPAR Declaración de Fe
- CONEMPAR Faith Statement
- Cambodia
- Canada
- Canon: Creative Biblicism as a Hermeneutical Principle
- Canonicity and Acceptance of Revelation (in Revelation)
- Capital Punishment and the Ministry of the Church to the Offender (Mennonite Church, 1965)
- Caribbean, Central and South America
- Caribbean, Central and South America/de
- Caribbean, Central and South America/es
- Caribbean, Central and South America/fr
- Caribbean Light and Truth
- CarlockFrye569
- Carlstadt, Andres. Que no debe haber mendigos entre los Cristianos
- Carlstadt, Andres. Si hay que proceder Paulatinamente
- CarolyneSchlegel386
- Carroll, Daniel. "La Inmigración y la Biblia." 2010.
- Central District Conference
- Central Plains Mennonite Conference
- Centro de Investigación por la Paz - Gernika Gogoratuz
- Centro de Recursos Electrónicos Anabautistas - CREA
- Chalmer E. Faw
- Charles, J. Robert. Mennonite Mission Network in Europe
- Charles de Foucauld
- Chiesa Evangelica Mennonita Italiana
- Children of God / Born of God (in 1,2,3 John)
- Chile
- China/Hong Kong
- Christ/Christology (in Matthew)
- Christ/Christology in Matthew
- Christian Brotherhood Churches
- Christian Church International, Kenya
- Christian Fundamentals (Mennonite Church, 1921)
- Christian Parenthood (Mennonite Church, 1961)
- Christian Peacemaker Teams
- Christian Stewardship of Energy Resources (General Conference Mennonite Church, 1977)
- Christians and Old Testament (as) Law (in Deuteronomy)
- Christina Bucher
- Christology of Revelation (in Revelation)
- ChristophersoPruitt649
- Church (in 1 Corinthians)
- Church and Peace
- Church of God in Christ, Mennonite
- Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, Articles of Confession (1896)
- Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, Dominican Republic
- Church of the Brethren
- Citizenship, Ancient and Modern (in Philippians)
- Clarence Jordan
- Classen, Susan. "Viviendo las Contradicciones: Entre Buitres y Mariposas." 1996.
- Cleansing Offering (in Leviticus)
- Clemens, Jonathan and Ruth. Dilemmas of a Mennonite Program Agency
- Climenhaga, Daryl. Pentecostals and the Brethren in Christ in Bulawayo
- Clinton, Cathryn. "Documenting Colombia's suffering, hope." 2008.
- Colombia
- Colombia Resolution (Mennonite Church Canada, 2001)
- Colombian Mennonites share bread of life
- Colombian News, 1952, April
- Colombian News, 1952, July
- Colombian News, 1953, April
- Colombian News, 1953, December
- Colombian News, 1953, July
- Colombian News, 1953, November
- Colombian News, 1954, April
- Colombian News, 1954, August
- Colombian News, 1954, December
- Colombian News, 1955, April
- Colombian News 12, 1955, September